Horsforth Newlaithes

Year 6

Summer Term

Year 6 Newsletter Summer 2 2024


Last Half Term:

We enjoyed our celebration events where we were able to share with you the children’s geography projects based on North America as well as sharing some memorable raps created in music and their Odyssey writing. We always look forward to opportunities to share what we have been doing in class with you; thank you for your support.

It seems a long time ago now, but we were so proud of the children‘s efforts during SATs week in May. Everyone worked hard and tried their best which is all we can ask for.


In class, the children have explored persuasive writing and considered a must-have gadget. They also explored superheroes, creating their own and explaining their backstory; who their enemies were and why they were successful at their job in saving the world!

In maths, we worked on statistics and geometry as well as focussing on revision, particularly problem solving tasks.

In Science, we created Biomes in a Bottle after researching the climate, flora and fauna as well as potential dangers faced by their chosen biome.


Coming up this term:

This term, there are lots of exciting things to look forward to including our residential to Whitby, end of year production of Bugsy Malone, Healthy Living Week and whole school sports events to enjoy. In addition, there will be more information on the events we have planned to mark your child’s time at Newlaithes.

We will be spending a lot of time rehearsing for our upcoming production of Bugsy Malone. Already we have been impressed by everyone’s efforts!

In DT we will be cooking. We will also be creating work to display at Horsforth Walk of Art in July.

In PE we will be developing our skills in rounders and outdoor athletics.


Important Reminders

Children should continue to bring in a reading book and their homework diary every day. Don’t forget to check these books each week for any homework set (predominantly whole school tasks) and weekly reminders.

PE days for the rest of this year will be WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY for both Maple and Redwood. Thursday lessons may be affected by our rehearsals of Bugsy.

Children should have a named water bottle in school daily and a coat – particularly in the changeable weather we are having. Please remember sun cream and a hat too, if needed.


Key Dates

5th June: World Environment Day

7th June: Whole school Colour Run event (pm)

10 14th June: My Money Week

15th June: Horsforth Newlaithes Celebration event 10am – 1pm

1st – 3rd July: Whitby residential

6th July: School Summer Fair

8 – 12th July: Healthy Living Week

9th/10th July: Y6 pedestrian training

11th July: Sports Day

15th July: Dress rehearsals in school for Bugsy Malone

16th July: 2 performances of Bugsy Malone (2pm and 6.30pm)

19th July: Leavers’ Assembly (parents invited) followed by our traditional clapping out of the Y6 pupils.


Additional Information