Horsforth Newlaithes

Year 5 - Eucalyptus and Monkey Puzzle

Hello and welcome to Year 5. 

Monkey Puzzle class is taught by Mrs Darlison with the support of Mrs Feltham.

Eucalyptus is taught by Mrs Ellis Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesdays and by Mrs Bastey alternate Wednesdays, Thursday and Friday with the supoort of Mrs Fearnley.

Things to know - 


Monday and Friday for Eucalyptus

Monday and Thursday for Monkey Puzzle

Reading books

In school every day 


Set on a Friday and to be returned to school by the following Wednesday



We have had lots of fun in science this year.

Literacy - we were in the WWI trenches on CHristmas Eve 1914

In History, in our ancient Greece topic we created quizzes about the daily life and tested each other.

Our Literacy topic in Autumn 1 was to write a persuasive pitch about our own rollercoaster design and pitch, Dragon's Den style, to Alton Towers!