Horsforth Newlaithes

Year 2

Autumn Term


Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to Year 2. We were very excited to welcome all of the children back to school this week. They have all had a fabulous start to Year 2 and they have impressed us with their transition from Year 1.

This term we be consolidating some of the previous phonics learning from the past two years. Following this, we will begin whole class reading lessons, which focus on fluency, pace and comprehension. For spellings, we will begin to use a new scheme which children will continue to follow through to Year 6. This is where children will learn new spelling patterns and practise how to apply them. In English, we will use a range of fiction texts to inspire our sequence of writing. Children will consolidate their use of punctuation and begin learning how to extend sentences using a variety of conjunctions such as and, because, when, if, or. Our focus for this term is to develop a secure knowledge of place value for numbers up to 100. This will then progress onto units of addition and subtraction. In our science lessons, we will revisit the children's knowledge of materials from Year 1 and build on this knowledge with the Year 2 science curriculum. Our geography work will focus on the features of coastlines and seas.  Of course we will be kick starting the year with building our community and we are excited to get going with this. Be sure to ask your child who their new character is!


Key Dates

w/c 7th October - Parent Consultation Evenings

11th October - Training day

25th October - Break up for half term



Homework - handed out on a Friday and due in on Wednesday

PE DAYS - Tuesday and Wednesdays 

Library - Library visits will take place on Tuesday with Vicky Maitland so please return any books each week on a Tuesday. 

Please don't forget to email us at year2@newlaithes.co.uk if you have any queries or questions. We will aim to reply to your emails within 48 hours.


We look forward to working with you all this year. 


Claire, Olivia, Jess, Vicky D and Fay