Horsforth Newlaithes

Year 4

Summer Term

Year 4 Newsletter Summer 2


Last Half Term:

We were so proud of the children at the Brownlee Triathlon where they all behaved impeccably, gave their best and cheered each other to the finish line.

In class, the children produced some amazing stories based on the picture book “The Great Kapok Tree” and impressed us with their fantastic explanation texts about robot pets!

In maths we worked on decimals and thought about angles and symmetry.

Our geography work about the Amazonian Rainforest was enhanced by ILT projects based on the animals of the Amazon which the children enjoyed showing to Year 2.

In Science, we created a digestive system and experimented with eggs to replicate the effects of acid on teeth. We also learned the names and functions of human and animal teeth.

We are looking forward to building on this work over the next half term.


Coming up this term:

As ever in Summer Term, there are lots of exciting things to look forward to including our visit to Fairburn Ings, Healthy Living Week and whole school sports events to enjoy.

In class, we will be exploring themes linked to the upcoming General Election as part of our writing unit based on “The Boy at the Back of the Class”, thinking about how we can influence those in power by writing letters expressing our opinions.

In Science, we will be exploring animals and their habitats, using the school grounds and through our visit to Fairburn Ings. This will lead into our final writing unit and will be the focus of our ILT work for this half term where we will be challenging the children to work in groups to create habitats linked to different animals.

In DT we will be sewing. We would love to hear from parents or grandparents who might be able to spare some time to support these sessions. We will also be creating work to display at Horsforth Walk of Art in July.

Our maths work begins by looking at position and direction. We will then be joining the rest of school to focus on money in Money Week before we work on time.

In History our focus moves to the Anglo Saxons and Vikings while in PE we will be enjoying cricket and athletics.


Important Reminders

Don’t forget to check the Homework Slip each week for homework and weekly reminders.

PE Days for the rest of this year will be MONDAY and THURSDAY for both Acacia and Willow.

Please continue with your daily 10 minute reads at home. This really does make all the difference.

Remember to use TTRS and the 1 minute White Rose Maths App to practise quick retrieval.

We will be having a final push on Year 3 and 4 spellings. Children should have a set of target words to work on each week.

Children should have a named water bottle in school daily and a coat – particularly in the changeable weather we are having. Don’t forget sun cream and hats if needed too!


Key Dates

5th June: World Environment Day

10 14th June: Money Week

19th June: Fairburn Ings visit

25th June: Author Visit (Jenny York)

26th June: Spirit Alive Event

8 – 12th July: Healthy Living Week