Horsforth Children's Services

Horsforth Children’s Services brings together the schools in Horsforth and relevant agencies to work effectively in partnership to improve the outcomes for all 0 –19 year olds and their families within the Horsforth Community. They believe that by working together and drawing on the knowledge, strengths and capabilities of all our partners, we are better informed to identify the needs of children, young people and families including those who require some additional support.
The aim of the service is to ensure all children and young people reach their full personal potential. They hope to achieve this by providing support around families when needed and providing excellent learning and teaching experiences through partner schools.
What support is available?
- Holiday and after school activities
- Family day trips
- Family Fun sessions
- Parent’s Forum
- Parenting Courses
- Volunteers and student placements
- Information and training sessions for professionals and parents
- Funding for targeted families to support their child’s personal potential
- Individual family support
- Individual support for children and young people
- Therapeutic intervention sessions for children and young people.
- Adult Counselling
How do I access the service?
You can either speak to Mrs Rukas or Mrs Butterfield in school or contact the cluster directly on 0113 336 7724